Sunday, February 6, 2011

7. Geographical issues in the coastal Environment

1.    Describe how the settle ment pattern of Australia is related to issues in the coastal  environment?

            More and more people are deciding to move to Australia which creates demand for new housing, along coastlines and other areas
 Why is the sustainable development of the coastline the aim of coastal management strategies?
        As the beaches and coastlines will be severely affected by the developments being built

What trend has been labelled 'sea change'? 
        When people move from large cities to smaller coastal towns and villages where the lifestyle is more relaxed.

Describe one government response to 'sea change'.
        Residential caps

 Select four of the geographical issues facing the coastal environment presented in this unit. For each issue identify the human actions that cause the issue.
        Pollution- people littering, sewage outfalls 
        Introduced plants- brought over from other countries which can harm the environment
        Coastal rivers and lagoons- Dredging
        Tourism and recreation pressures- tourism can create pressure on services and activites such as four wheel driving beaches which can affect the beach and dunes.

        What role do geographers play in developing management solutions to issues in coastal environments?
        So that the development if the coastline i sustainable

Find an example that you and/or others feel is an example of inappropriate development. Describe why this is considered inappropriate. Give one way that this type of development can be fixed. *

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