Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Year 10: Military - China

1. The author means that everything that is being done has a strategic reasoning. This relates to the US wanted to be more militarily active in the Asia-Pacific region.
2. That china is behind the push by Gillards ministers to ban uranium sales to India.
3. The major mistakes are the illegal immigrants coming by boat, her East Timor solution, the premature announcement of the Malaysian people-swap deal and the abrupt suspension of the live cattle trade with Indonesia.
5. This quote means that south east Asians are wanted to stick close to the US and us for protection.
6.  They have forced Australia and the US to have negotiations about a greater US military presence in Australia, particularly Northern Australia.
7. Allan Hawke and Ric Smith will be conducting the Australia Defense Force Posture review. They are both former heads of the defence department.
8. The five area's are:
·         The rise of the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean rim as regions of global strategic significance
·         The growth of military power projection capabilities in the Asia Pacific
·         The need for disaster relief in the region
·         energy security and security issues associated with expanding offshore resource exploitation in our northwest and northern approaches.
9.  The author suggests the offshore area from Darwin west to the Pilbara because it is one of the greatest resource-rich areas anywhere on the planet, and yet it abuts a part of Australia that is all but depopulated and without onshore infrastructure, including military infrastructure.
10. This creates less conflict, because countries are less likely to engage in conflict if there is more defence in the area.
11. As China now deploys the largest fleet of attack submarines in the world. China has also commissioned more than 40 new subs since 1995, and has nearly 500 fourth-generation fighter-bombers now in service. China's first aircraft carrier, a succession of advanced stealth combat aircraft and a range of extremely sophisticated missile systems and huge numbers of missiles.
12. Rudd told us to expect huge increases in military spending.
13. As those two said that it made "no sense for Australia to base its long-term strategic policy on the highly contentious proposition that we are on an inevitable collision course with a militarily aggressive China". Rudd thought differently believed it did make sense.
14. They seek to not engage in conflict and slow down their military expanding.

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