Sunday, July 24, 2011

Year 10: Australian Aid

2. Summary-

  • That Australia is increasing its money and support
  • There isn't a real need for Australia to be sending this amount of money as poverty is ending 
  • Most countries are now growing by themselves
  • Australia is now looking more for an image than actually helping others.
  • Doubling aid funds
The author is presenting the story showing that the our country has real no benefit sending this money as the countries are growing and are learning to fend for themselves. All this money is doing is creating stronger relationships and impressing other countries, the world is almost developed despite millions of people still living off $1.25. For instance us giving money to the Indonesians makes them spend their money on things that are less important.

3. They are giving more money as they  want to strengthen relationships as well as show off to other countries that they have money to spend and are looking out to help others. The benefits would be that when Australia is in trouble they will have the backing of the countries they supported. Negatives would be that Australia may run out of money or not have enough to solve their own issues. The money that is sent may not be spent appropriately and good be wasted.

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