Sunday, March 27, 2011

9.2 Population Growth in Sydney

1. Topic Sentence
2. Explain topic sentence.
3. Examples/Statistics
4. Explain relevance of Examples/Stats
5. What effect does this have on Sydney?

Population growth is the increase in the number of people who inhabit a territory or state. In sydney population is increasing and forcing the governments and communities to react. Data for the past 25 years shows that Sydney's population growth ranged from a low of 400 people per week in 1990 to a high of 1,150 people per week in 1996. population growth of 1.2 million people or a total of 5.3 million by 2031 is assumed. On average Sydney grows by about 780 per week or around 40,000 per year. These statistics show that sydney needs solutions the increasing population and to act fast. The numbers are increasing dramatically therefore things such as urban sprawl and consolidation. The effect on sydney is large with more pressures on the public resources, congestion on roads as well as increasing the demand for needs and wants.

Urban sprawl 
Urban sprawl includes the spreading outwards of a city and its suburbs to its outskirts to low-density, auto-dependent development on rural land. Sydney and NSW is having to create new suburbs and areas for the increasing population. Between 1982 and 1997 America converted approximately 25 million acres of rural land  into developed land. That statistic shows how America has had to deal with the new immigrants and increasing population by taking out the natural land and building properties. Urban sprawls effect on sydney is large as less and less natural land is been taken out to cope with the increasing population.

Urban consolidation
The increase of dwelling densities within established areas over and above that which is already there through infill or redevelopment of existing buildings. Urban consolidation is occurring throughout sydney and in particular the north shore. houses are being knocked over and then built up into apartment blocks. Currently, 12,456 people live in the CBD, West Perth, East Perth and Northbridge. Council staffers want 95 per cent more living there - or a total of 24,289.2 people. This is showing how people want to stack these areas with the population and increase the  population in such a small area. The effect of urban consolidation in sydney is immense. It creates more traffic on the roads, pressure on local facilities. Some people might say that it effects the aesthetics on the community.

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