Sunday, September 4, 2011

Go Back to Where You Came From Reflection

  • My initial reaction to the show, was amazement. I was extremely surprised on how and where these refugee's lived. My opinion completely changed from the start, I now believe the refugee's deserve a better life, and that better life should be Australia. It was a shock to me of how violent and how desperate people can get when their is an aid or food line. There were thousands of children suffering and I know realize actually how many people are affected.
  • 7%
  • The reason why it creates such a big deal is because these people are coming into our country illegally, and they could be wanting to create violence or even terrorism. People however don't know the facts about the refugee's and they are simply judging them on their own beliefs. The political parties need to decide whether or not Australia should be or not letting in the refugee's.
  • 18th
  • We have the obligation to help these people, as their own country is in disarray and cannot support their people. Australia is a very fortunate country and is able to help other countries with need, therefore Australia should be supporting these people especially the children as they our the worlds future. However Australia should not be mothering the country the whole time, the country itself needs to fix their issues and get back on track.
  • They recieve the exact same
  • 11
  • This is important as they are not able to take on refugee's as their standards are not up where Australia and the other 10 countries are. Therefore Australia is unable to send these refugee's over and this is the reason why the plan has stopped. Refugee's in Malaysia are now unable to travel anywhere, they are unable to work, get education or health care.