Sunday, July 31, 2011

Year 10: Military - US/Australia Alliance

1. Stephen Smith is the defence minister, he is charge of Australia's defence and armed forces.
2. An organisation in Washington DC, it conducts research in governments, social society and economics.
3. The role is to back each other up when in need, it enables to voice its issues such as North Korea.
4.That Asia Pacific has to be involved, and it is exposed to Asia pacific and is becoming very important.
5. IT hosted or supporting some of the US's most sensitive and critical strategic capabilities, These include systems related to intelligence collection, ballistic-missile early warning, submarine communications, and satellite-based communications.
6. 9000 Australian companies did business in the US. They pay an average wage of $US70,000 ($63,490) per employee per annum and include your largest shopping-centre owner and two of the largest 20 banks.
7. Australia has positive influence on US and gives back to US as opposed to just taking they give back financially and also with defence
8. China
9. Future security challenges and change, and they want to be allies and be in a powerful situation
10. For Australia's economy to grow, to be secure with Australia's defence

Year 10: Immigration

1. An asylum seeker is a person who has fled their own country and applies to the government of another country for protection as a refugee.
2. They might leave their country as they feel it is dangerous, unsafe or other concerning problems in their country such as disease. Australia might be a happier place and home for them.
3. They need a temporary visa or some form of visa, clean record and generally seeking asylum.
4. The main countries are Indonesia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, East Timor.

What is the deal between Australia and Malaysia? (What are the numbers of people being 'swapped'?)
The deal is that 800 asylum seekers for 4000 refugee's
2. What rights will they have in Malaysia which will allow them to support themselves?
They can work over in Malaysia
3. How does Malaysia normally treat illegal immigrants?
Very harshly, put them into detention center camps, get the cane 
4.Are children being sent to Malaysia?
5. What is going to happen to the processing of the 500+ people currently in Australia who have arrived from the 7th of May?
They are going to process them and keep them in Australia
6. What do refugee advocates worry about for the 800 asylum seekers?
Human Rights
7. The goal is to deter people from coming to Australia, and they wont actually get to live in Australia without doing UN process.
8. Its a short term solution, this message wont actually get to the aslyum seekers and its just simply to please the australian people

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Year 10: Australian Aid

2. Summary-

  • That Australia is increasing its money and support
  • There isn't a real need for Australia to be sending this amount of money as poverty is ending 
  • Most countries are now growing by themselves
  • Australia is now looking more for an image than actually helping others.
  • Doubling aid funds
The author is presenting the story showing that the our country has real no benefit sending this money as the countries are growing and are learning to fend for themselves. All this money is doing is creating stronger relationships and impressing other countries, the world is almost developed despite millions of people still living off $1.25. For instance us giving money to the Indonesians makes them spend their money on things that are less important.

3. They are giving more money as they  want to strengthen relationships as well as show off to other countries that they have money to spend and are looking out to help others. The benefits would be that when Australia is in trouble they will have the backing of the countries they supported. Negatives would be that Australia may run out of money or not have enough to solve their own issues. The money that is sent may not be spent appropriately and good be wasted.

Year 10: Monday 25/7 Period 4

1.He is the foreign minister of Australia he looks after Australia's relations and issues with countries. He also has to build relationships, his job is regarded as the 2nd highest and most important under the prime minister.He looks after things like trade, defense and security.

2. That Korea may be a threat to Australia with all there nuclear power and weapons. Korea is also becoming more aggressive and showing the world of their capabilities.

3. ASEAN Regional Forum.

4. Korea torpedoed a South Korean naval frigate, shelled civilians’ homes across the border  and defied two UN Security Council resolutions by pursuing an enriched uranium weapons program.

5. That Australia's ties with North Korea are weakening and Korea having the nuclear power that they do especially the new torpedo's it is a major threat to Australia's security.

6. Kevin wants to bring the tension down between North Korea and the world, and show the world what Nth Korea is up to with their developing weapons system. Kevin is making sure and showing the world that Australia has backing up from North Korea. This shows the world that Australia's relation is strong and hopefully getting stronger.

7. This relationship will strengthen Australia's major allies as they also want the backing of North Korea, more countries will want to side with Australia as they know of North Korea's nuclear strength. However if countries disagree with North Korea's methods then Australia may lose allies and gain threats.
